Mug made by Richard Launder and fired by Peter Starkey

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Mug made by Richard Launder and fired by Peter Starkey Empty Mug made by Richard Launder and fired by Peter Starkey

Post by NaomiM Wed 02 Dec 2020, 11:13 pm

Mug made by Richard Launder and fired by Peter Starkey D586e610

Mug made by Richard Launder and fired by Peter Starkey 4e207110 Mug made by Richard Launder and fired by Peter Starkey 28da9510 Mug made by Richard Launder and fired by Peter Starkey Cd16f110 Mug made by Richard Launder and fired by Peter Starkey E0d4b810

Last edited by NaomiM on Sat 12 Oct 2024, 1:55 am; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : correct spelling)

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Mug made by Richard Launder and fired by Peter Starkey Empty Re: Mug made by Richard Launder and fired by Peter Starkey

Post by studio-pots Fri 04 Dec 2020, 11:58 pm

Note that in the label image in the first post of the thread that his surname is spelt incorrectly.

Mug made by Richard Launder and fired by Peter Starkey 28da9510

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Mug made by Richard Launder and fired by Peter Starkey Empty Re: Mug made by Richard Launder and fired by Peter Starkey

Post by NaomiM Sat 05 Dec 2020, 1:44 am

Ah, that would explain why I couldn’t find any reference to him online. Aberystwyth has a lovely selection of his work

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32690
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Mug made by Richard Launder and fired by Peter Starkey Empty Re: Mug made by Richard Launder and fired by Peter Starkey

Post by NaomiM Fri 11 Mar 2022, 9:36 pm

Jacq (Richard Launder) wrote:
its a mug made by dartington pottery training workshop (as was) when peter starkey headed it up & fired during the camp in a temporary salt kiln which i participated with peter starkey in building/firing so it should read: made by peter starkey (?) fired by ps &  rl. [Peter Starkey & Richard Launder] i had my independant studio at shinners bridge (renting from marianne de trey) where peter & i had a shared salt kiln, which i built.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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