Stoneware studio vase, incised lines mark

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Stoneware studio vase, incised lines mark Empty Stoneware studio vase, incised lines mark

Post by benwilliams November 15th 2020, 12:39 pm

Well thrown, 6.5” studio vase, stoneware.
Some aspects of decoration are really good - dots around the shoulders.
Incised mark - hobby potter? Could be AH
Apologies if I have sent in this one before. Working my way through boxes of unidentified pots during lockdown.
Stoneware studio vase, incised lines mark 15af4210
Stoneware studio vase, incised lines mark 4e181e10
Stoneware studio vase, incised lines mark 9946c910

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Registration date : 2017-12-27

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