Hamburger’s Pottery, Grahamstown, South Africa, Eastern Cape

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Hamburger’s Pottery, Grahamstown, South Africa, Eastern Cape Empty Hamburger’s Pottery, Grahamstown, South Africa, Eastern Cape

Post by NaomiM November 5th 2020, 12:55 am

Set up in Grahamstown in 1940 by Jurgen Hamburger which continued until 1985. Slip moulded and hand decorated bud vase with label

Hamburger’s Pottery, Grahamstown, South Africa, Eastern Cape D2f1f910

Hamburger’s Pottery, Grahamstown, South Africa, Eastern Cape B2757610 Hamburger’s Pottery, Grahamstown, South Africa, Eastern Cape 07e43a10 Hamburger’s Pottery, Grahamstown, South Africa, Eastern Cape D506f910

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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