Help ID teal green vase,maybe art pottery?

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Help ID teal green vase,maybe art pottery? Empty Help ID teal green vase,maybe art pottery?

Post by Esch13 October 13th 2020, 5:31 pm

New here hopefully doing this correctly
Cannot find any information on this anywhere.
Beautiful color blue green, slightly dimpled texture, rough cut top, glazed interior, signed ML
6 1/2” high
5 1/2” across at widest point

Any help with an Id would be great- not sure if the marking is familiar

Help ID teal green vase,maybe art pottery? 02dc4910
Help ID teal green vase,maybe art pottery? B8d8e710
Help ID teal green vase,maybe art pottery? 6ec93710

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Location : California
Registration date : 2020-10-13

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Help ID teal green vase,maybe art pottery? Empty Re: Help ID teal green vase,maybe art pottery?

Post by NaomiM October 13th 2020, 5:37 pm

It looks like an early 20th Century shape. It might be one of the US Art Deco manufacturers like Roseville; they sometimes just had the employee's mark rather than a factory mark. Or it might be a hobbyist.

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