Stoneware studio bowl, Flower mark, hobby pot?

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Stoneware studio bowl, Flower mark, hobby pot?  Empty Stoneware studio bowl, Flower mark, hobby pot?

Post by benwilliams October 12th 2020, 5:10 pm

Just wanted to check before this went in the garden with other cracked pots!
Looks 1970s in style, freely painted - done well. Crude flower painted on underneath.
Its a bit heavy but made by someone who made a lot of pots I think. Any ideas?
Stoneware studio bowl, Flower mark, hobby pot?  8f404810
Stoneware studio bowl, Flower mark, hobby pot?  2ebf0710
Stoneware studio bowl, Flower mark, hobby pot?  19a7d710

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Stoneware studio bowl, Flower mark, hobby pot?  Empty Re: Stoneware studio bowl, Flower mark, hobby pot?

Post by NaomiM October 12th 2020, 7:01 pm

Nice piece. Japanese/Leach influence and well made imo

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Registration date : 2012-05-15

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