LJ mark, JS mark, FS mark - prob not John Shelly, John Solly or Frank Smith

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LJ mark, JS mark, FS mark - prob not John Shelly, John Solly or Frank Smith - Page 2 Empty Re: LJ mark, JS mark, FS mark - prob not John Shelly, John Solly or Frank Smith

Post by NaomiM February 13th 2021, 10:52 pm

Another one -

LJ mark, JS mark, FS mark - prob not John Shelly, John Solly or Frank Smith - Page 2 Twin_h10

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LJ mark, JS mark, FS mark - prob not John Shelly, John Solly or Frank Smith - Page 2 Empty Re: LJ mark, JS mark, FS mark - prob not John Shelly, John Solly or Frank Smith

Post by hadfield February 22nd 2021, 6:48 pm

Hi I know this mark has been pointed towards John Solly and john Shelley. Read all the threads and researched as well. To be honest not sure who the potter is . Any strong ideas?

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LJ mark, JS mark, FS mark - prob not John Shelly, John Solly or Frank Smith - Page 2 Empty Re: LJ mark, JS mark, FS mark - prob not John Shelly, John Solly or Frank Smith

Post by NaomiM February 22nd 2021, 8:55 pm

Probably need to find one with a label to clear up the mystery

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32477
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LJ mark, JS mark, FS mark - prob not John Shelly, John Solly or Frank Smith - Page 2 Empty Re: LJ mark, JS mark, FS mark - prob not John Shelly, John Solly or Frank Smith

Post by NaomiM July 27th 2023, 2:21 pm

In Summary -

The LJ mark has been found on it's own, and with the SJ or JS mark, and with the 'moth' shaped mark with S inside, which appears to be an alternative mark for SJ/JS.
FS mark has been found with the SJ/JS mark, and with the S moth mark.
The S moth mark has been found on it's own

On reflection I don't think the FS mark is Frank Smith

I've merged the various threads with these marks. I don't think they have anything to do with John Solly or John Shelly or Bath Pottery, but I'll keep them in the title so it's searchable

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32477
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LJ mark, JS mark, FS mark - prob not John Shelly, John Solly or Frank Smith - Page 2 Empty Re: LJ mark, JS mark, FS mark - prob not John Shelly, John Solly or Frank Smith

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