Indigo Ewer with Polished Pontil.

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Indigo Ewer with Polished Pontil. Empty Indigo Ewer with Polished Pontil.

Post by Grumpy Grandad September 28th 2020, 4:35 pm

Nicely shaped ewer in an 'inky' indigo colour, clear polished pontil and flat base. I'm guessing 1970s.
I've seen similarly shaped ewers (though not in this colour) attributed to Whitefriars, but that does seem to be the standard attribution to anything and everything from this era with a bit of colour and shape to it.

Indigo Ewer with Polished Pontil. 20200937

Indigo Ewer with Polished Pontil. 20200939

Indigo Ewer with Polished Pontil. 20200938
Grumpy Grandad
Grumpy Grandad

Number of posts : 867
Location : E. Midlands UK
Registration date : 2019-11-11

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