Large Studio Pottery Plate
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Koola- Number of posts : 90
Location : London
Registration date : 2016-10-26
Re: Large Studio Pottery Plate
It is obviously well made, by a good potter. How large is it? But from the style alone, its very difficult to make a guess. Its vaguely in the Leach Anglo oriental tradition, and probably had a gold sticker on it, which has now come off. A favourite of potters in the 70's, which this one probably comes from. Trouble is, there were a lot of Leach style potters in the 70's!
philpot- Number of posts : 6591
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06
Re: Large Studio Pottery Plate
Hi Philpot
The diameter is approx 31cm or 12.5inches
The diameter is approx 31cm or 12.5inches
Koola- Number of posts : 90
Location : London
Registration date : 2016-10-26
Re: Large Studio Pottery Plate
A large British plate has been historically 10.5 ins. This is more of the size of a charger, which are usually made for decoration rather than use. Its the sort of thing a professional potter would make as it would be regarded more of a decorative art object than a utilitarian boring old plate. He/she could charge a higher price.
So you have a very well made, uniquely individual, and well decorated charger somewhere in the region of fifty or so years old. That is a lovely thing to have!
So you have a very well made, uniquely individual, and well decorated charger somewhere in the region of fifty or so years old. That is a lovely thing to have!
philpot- Number of posts : 6591
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06
Re: Large Studio Pottery Plate
Reminds me of some of the pieces I have seen by John Jelfs in the past..
MCWebs- Number of posts : 725
Location : GB
Registration date : 2017-09-24
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