South / Central America, Chile, folkware

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South / Central America, Chile, folkware  Empty South / Central America, Chile, folkware

Post by Lewie Thu Aug 27, 2020 7:40 pm

Me again.
I have a pair of similar pictures.
Could I get some ideas as to what nationality the field workers are and also, what is the material it is painted/printed on?
The pictures look perfect in their frames.
Take them out and hold them up to the light and they look 'ripped' but they aren't.

South / Central America, Chile, folkware  Dscn6814
South / Central America, Chile, folkware  Dscn6815
South / Central America, Chile, folkware  Dscn6813

Number of posts : 12
Location : UK
Registration date : 2020-08-22

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South / Central America, Chile, folkware  Empty Re: South / Central America, Chile, folkware

Post by NaomiM Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:07 pm

Mexico or at least South/Central America. I’ve had some similar art work from Mexico and Chile. Possibly painted on bark/wood pulp

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South / Central America, Chile, folkware  Empty Re: South / Central America, Chile, folkware

Post by Lewie Fri Aug 28, 2020 12:08 pm

Thanks Naomi.
I agree with the South/Central America idea.
Not so Mexico for some reason.
Wood pulp likely the one.

Number of posts : 12
Location : UK
Registration date : 2020-08-22

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