Stamped Jugendamf Bremen - Helmut Schäffenacker? Or just similar

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Stamped Jugendamf Bremen  - Helmut Schäffenacker? Or just similar Empty Stamped Jugendamf Bremen - Helmut Schäffenacker? Or just similar

Post by Madmoon August 15th 2020, 11:08 am

It looks similar to the work of Helmut Schäffenacker.
But no signature. Only the Jugendamf Bremen stamp. Weird.

Stamped Jugendamf Bremen  - Helmut Schäffenacker? Or just similar 11790310

Stamped Jugendamf Bremen  - Helmut Schäffenacker? Or just similar 11794610

Stamped Jugendamf Bremen  - Helmut Schäffenacker? Or just similar 11793310

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Registration date : 2020-07-05

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Stamped Jugendamf Bremen  - Helmut Schäffenacker? Or just similar Empty Re: Stamped Jugendamf Bremen - Helmut Schäffenacker? Or just similar

Post by dantheman August 15th 2020, 6:07 pm

a tribute to his work perhaps? nice quality though

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