Glass vase with swirld ears

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Glass vase with swirld ears Empty Glass vase with swirld ears

Post by aiko August 15th 2020, 9:56 am

i have bougt this vase a while ago and unfortunatlly couldt find the maker. It is definitfly mond blown and has some age. There are some glass imperfecties like glass seads and air bells.
Hopfully someone can help me with id this vase op help me to the right direction.
Glass vase with swirld ears 20200874
Glass vase with swirld ears 20200873
Glass vase with swirld ears 20200872Glass vase with swirld ears 20200876
Glass vase with swirld ears 20200875
Glass vase with swirld ears 20200877Glass vase with swirld ears 20200878

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Location : NL
Registration date : 2018-02-11

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