ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware

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ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware  Empty ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware

Post by Roobarb August 7th 2020, 12:08 pm

Hello, do you recognise this style of bowl? I can't quite make out the stamp, looks a bit like JMC.

Thank you :)

ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware  Img_7814
ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware  Img_7813
ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware  Img_7812

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Registration date : 2020-07-03

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ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware  Empty Re: ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware

Post by philpot August 7th 2020, 3:19 pm

The shape of that mark looks reminds me of Candy Ware.

But not too sure if it looks like a candy ware glaze.

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ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware  Empty Re: ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware

Post by Roobarb August 7th 2020, 3:22 pm

That does look similar, but this one seems to have writing in the middle, where the Candy Ware is blank. Here's a slightly better picture (although I'll probably somehow have it the wrong way around)

ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware  Img_8010

Number of posts : 576
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Registration date : 2020-07-03

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ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware  Empty Re: ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware

Post by denbydump August 7th 2020, 3:45 pm

All the candy marks are here for reference

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ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware  Empty Re: ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware

Post by Roobarb August 12th 2020, 8:20 pm

Thank you :)

Number of posts : 576
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ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware  Empty Re: ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware

Post by denbydump August 12th 2020, 9:14 pm

With that rough foot-rim I would suggest it is the earlier "Wescontree ware".

Number of posts : 7395
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ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware  Empty Re: ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware

Post by Roobarb August 14th 2020, 3:23 pm

Thank you, this has been really helpful :)

Number of posts : 576
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Registration date : 2020-07-03

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ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware  Empty Re: ID Request for honeycomb like bowl JMC? Ink Stamp - Candy ware

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