Mesoamerican, Tiki, Brutalist Style Lamp.

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Mesoamerican, Tiki, Brutalist Style Lamp.  Empty Mesoamerican, Tiki, Brutalist Style Lamp.

Post by moomingurl July 14th 2020, 5:42 pm

Mesoamerican, Tiki, Brutalist Style Lamp. Any ideas on this, maker, style, age, I have been stumped with finding any decent similar items. Lamp measures 26cm x 13cm x 10.5cm, really heavy but not wood carving.

Mesoamerican, Tiki, Brutalist Style Lamp.  20200610

Mesoamerican, Tiki, Brutalist Style Lamp.  20200611

Mesoamerican, Tiki, Brutalist Style Lamp.  20200612

Female Number of posts : 225
Location : Reading
Registration date : 2010-06-11

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Mesoamerican, Tiki, Brutalist Style Lamp.  Empty Re: Mesoamerican, Tiki, Brutalist Style Lamp.

Post by NaomiM July 14th 2020, 5:45 pm

I think it’s a 70s potter who’s been inspired by Aztec and Inca motifs but they’re not a true representation of those motifs

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Female Number of posts : 32212
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Mesoamerican, Tiki, Brutalist Style Lamp.  Empty Re: Mesoamerican, Tiki, Brutalist Style Lamp.

Post by moomingurl July 14th 2020, 5:49 pm

Yes I wondered if it was an interpretation of a general style....but I don't think it's pottery either. I am at a loss to what it has been made from....

Female Number of posts : 225
Location : Reading
Registration date : 2010-06-11

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