Stoneware lidded pot for ID

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Stoneware lidded pot for ID Empty Stoneware lidded pot for ID

Post by abstract toad July 5th 2020, 6:31 pm

A nice stoneware lidded pot, no signature stamp unfortunately, but there is the old residue of a label. I'm hoping the style is familiar to someone. It is by someone with no small amount of skill.

Stoneware lidded pot for ID Img_2069
Stoneware lidded pot for ID Img_2070
abstract toad
abstract toad

Number of posts : 524
Location : uk
Registration date : 2018-06-01

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Stoneware lidded pot for ID Empty Re: Stoneware lidded pot for ID

Post by abstract toad July 5th 2020, 6:34 pm

Stoneware lidded pot for ID Img_2072
abstract toad
abstract toad

Number of posts : 524
Location : uk
Registration date : 2018-06-01

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Stoneware lidded pot for ID Empty Re: Stoneware lidded pot for ID

Post by philpot July 6th 2020, 8:53 am

oh dear, why don't All potters sign their work. Well made, getting a top to fit well is a sign of a good professional. It looks slightly more modern rather than 70's. The clay looks a bit like one of those modern bought in mixtures, so not a lot of character to be gleaned from that. Stylistically again it looks slightly more modern. A few brushstrokes fealty to the Leach school but that's it.
Which indeed, that is about it! Laughter Unfortunately really not enough evidence for an individual potter.

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Stoneware lidded pot for ID Empty Re: Stoneware lidded pot for ID

Post by abstract toad July 6th 2020, 9:41 am

Thanks for the feedback Phil, it is much appreciated 👍
I think you are right about the date, it does look and feel a bit newer than the 1970's, the clay does look rather pristine (lid underside in additional picture).
Another unsolved one in the ever growing collection.

Stoneware lidded pot for ID Img_2079
abstract toad
abstract toad

Number of posts : 524
Location : uk
Registration date : 2018-06-01

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