Need to ID This Thick and Heavy Large Glass Vase with Hand Painted Penguins
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Need to ID This Thick and Heavy Large Glass Vase with Hand Painted Penguins
Hi Everyone,
I've had this for years but have never known its precise origin. It is quite large and very heavy with a thick wall. It measures 10 1/4" in height and the wall has a thickness of 1/2" at the top. It weighs 6 lbs. The bottom is hand polished and the glass is a dark amber colour. The exterior is hand painted with penguins - the beads are definitely hand done while the white may have been applied using a stencil, although I'm not sure. I'm sure that it is art deco era, probably Czech, but I'm not positive. Would anyone have an idea as to maker? Thanks!
I've had this for years but have never known its precise origin. It is quite large and very heavy with a thick wall. It measures 10 1/4" in height and the wall has a thickness of 1/2" at the top. It weighs 6 lbs. The bottom is hand polished and the glass is a dark amber colour. The exterior is hand painted with penguins - the beads are definitely hand done while the white may have been applied using a stencil, although I'm not sure. I'm sure that it is art deco era, probably Czech, but I'm not positive. Would anyone have an idea as to maker? Thanks!
mjron- Number of posts : 43
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2009-10-11
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