Studio jug, salt or soda glaze, impressed ML mark

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Studio jug, salt or soda glaze, impressed ML mark Empty Studio jug, salt or soda glaze, impressed ML mark

Post by benwilliams June 8th 2020, 8:59 pm

Well thrown.
Not sure if this is a salt glaze or soda glaze - they seem to look similar to me. Greener glaze inside.
A somewhat squiggly mark, possibly ML.
I feel like I should know this mark but there’s so much I don’t know!
Thanks again.
I’ve just found out how to find topics I’ve started and I think I’m on about 370 something.
Thanks for all your help. It is so appreciated!
Studio jug, salt or soda glaze, impressed ML mark 40137c10
Studio jug, salt or soda glaze, impressed ML mark 4c62d610
Studio jug, salt or soda glaze, impressed ML mark 466e8010

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Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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