Competent Little Teabowl. Unsigned.

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Competent Little Teabowl. Unsigned. Empty Competent Little Teabowl. Unsigned.

Post by Grumpy Grandad May 22nd 2020, 12:28 pm

Another one of those pots destined to remain anonymous, perhaps, but competently made, quite thin and light to hold. Unglazed outside and a streak of brown over the base glazes inside.

Competent Little Teabowl. Unsigned. 20200735

Competent Little Teabowl. Unsigned. 20200736

Competent Little Teabowl. Unsigned. 20200737

Competent Little Teabowl. Unsigned. 20200738
Grumpy Grandad
Grumpy Grandad

Number of posts : 867
Location : E. Midlands UK
Registration date : 2019-11-11

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Competent Little Teabowl. Unsigned. Empty Re: Competent Little Teabowl. Unsigned.

Post by studio-pots May 22nd 2020, 1:00 pm

It looks to be mid 20th century and British and was just made for use before the idea of collecting studio pottery other than "exhibition pieces" was unheard of.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Competent Little Teabowl. Unsigned. Empty Re: Competent Little Teabowl. Unsigned.

Post by NaomiM May 22nd 2020, 1:09 pm

I’ve seen similar ones. Might be Appin Pottery.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Competent Little Teabowl. Unsigned. Empty Re: Competent Little Teabowl. Unsigned.

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