Stylised Sun shallow dish. Unsigned.

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Stylised Sun shallow dish. Unsigned. Empty Stylised Sun shallow dish. Unsigned.

Post by Grumpy Grandad May 6th 2020, 1:30 pm

Approx 8" across with carved decoration, this dish has an African* look to it. I think it's possibly a representation of the sun but I don't know what significance - if any - the numbers of the outer rays might have. They start with two and increase clockwise up to six rays which discounts a sun-dial.
Has anybody seen similar before?

*I initially considered S. American in the pre-Columbian style but both the Inca and Aztec tended to represent the outer part of the Sun as flames rather than rays.

Stylised Sun shallow dish. Unsigned. 20200627

Stylised Sun shallow dish. Unsigned. 20200625

Stylised Sun shallow dish. Unsigned. 20200626
Grumpy Grandad
Grumpy Grandad

Number of posts : 867
Location : E. Midlands UK
Registration date : 2019-11-11

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Stylised Sun shallow dish. Unsigned. Empty Re: Stylised Sun shallow dish. Unsigned.

Post by studio-pots May 6th 2020, 3:20 pm

The stoneware body suggests to me that it isn't African.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Stylised Sun shallow dish. Unsigned. Empty Re: Stylised Sun shallow dish. Unsigned.

Post by Grumpy Grandad May 6th 2020, 4:06 pm

I didn't put that bit very clearly, S-P. What I meant to say was that the imagery looks to have an African influence rather than the pot itself coming from Africa.
Grumpy Grandad
Grumpy Grandad

Number of posts : 867
Location : E. Midlands UK
Registration date : 2019-11-11

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Stylised Sun shallow dish. Unsigned. Empty Re: Stylised Sun shallow dish. Unsigned.

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