Studio vase incised H Hoe ing Gouda?

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Studio vase incised H Hoe ing Gouda?  Empty Studio vase incised H Hoe ing Gouda?

Post by benwilliams May 3rd 2020, 4:18 pm

6” vase, looks like metal oxide glaze in grey, pink, purple.
Clear signature but can’t find it.
Looks like H Hotvings Goudu.
Gouda maker?

Studio vase incised H Hoe ing Gouda?  Accde510
Studio vase incised H Hoe ing Gouda?  9430bc10
Studio vase incised H Hoe ing Gouda?  3d359710

Number of posts : 2527
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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