Id my glass. Murano?
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Re: Id my glass. Murano?
This flared angular form finish on the top is very Italian as is, the wider pinched sides and the subtle amber internal casing. This said are those holes in the flared tips or a trick of the light?
Based on the single photograph I'd give it a 85% chance of being 1960/70's Italian rather than vintage Czech or modern China production
Based on the single photograph I'd give it a 85% chance of being 1960/70's Italian rather than vintage Czech or modern China production
RVsaid- Number of posts : 1468
Location : Torbay, England
Registration date : 2012-08-12
Re: Id my glass. Murano?
Its Murano Sommerso as shown here:
wtc24- Number of posts : 25
Location : UK
Registration date : 2020-03-17
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