Belgian vase

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Belgian vase Empty Belgian vase

Post by hercules brabazon March 14th 2020, 11:32 am

Three-handled vase, marked "Made in Belgium" About 15cm high, I think. I can find a few similar online, but with no real information.

Belgian vase Belgia11

Belgian vase Belgia10
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

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Belgian vase Empty Re: Belgian vase

Post by NaomiM March 14th 2020, 1:32 pm

Usually just listed as Belgium Art Pottery from the 30s-40s. Beyond that, I dont know. I'm guessing it was an extension of the pottery industry around Ostend / Bredene

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Belgian vase Empty Re: Belgian vase

Post by RonaldKeith March 14th 2020, 7:32 pm

You sometimes see those attributed to Thulin although they usually are more drip glaze based (certainly from the ones I have handled). That looks quite Art Nouveau in style, very nice in my opinion.

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