Mottled glass vase

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Mottled glass vase Empty Mottled glass vase

Post by Glassrules March 12th 2020, 9:04 pm

Mottled glass vase Img_0412
Hi newly here. I wonder if anyone can id this vase or maybe point me in the right direction. I have had 2 suggestions of TK MAXX and Midena. It is 15 inches tall. Personaly i think it may be modern. Any suggestions appreciated. Vic

Last edited by Glassrules on March 12th 2020, 9:18 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : insert photo)

Number of posts : 9
Location : Bristol uk
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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Mottled glass vase Empty Re: Mottled glass vase

Post by chasdevlin March 14th 2020, 4:09 pm

Shape looks wrong for Mdina. Can't help beyond that though. Is it definitely glass?

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Mottled glass vase Empty Re: Mottled glass vase

Post by Glassrules March 19th 2020, 10:01 pm

Thanks for your comment, it appears to have at least an outer glass, i do not know enough to tell if its all glass I'm afraid. its about 7-8 inches wide

Number of posts : 9
Location : Bristol uk
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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Mottled glass vase Empty Re: Mottled glass vase

Post by NaomiM March 19th 2020, 10:02 pm

We need a photo of the base to see how it was made; that will help track down where it was made

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Mottled glass vase Empty Re: Mottled glass vase

Post by Glassrules March 19th 2020, 10:06 pm

Here is a photo of the base, another older glass for id ill put on in a secMottled glass vase Img_0413

Number of posts : 9
Location : Bristol uk
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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