Another Egg Shaped Pot with unrecognisable mark

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Another Egg Shaped Pot with unrecognisable mark Empty Another Egg Shaped Pot with unrecognisable mark

Post by Beege March 8th 2020, 4:20 pm

Hallo all, I hope you are well.
This small pot (4.25 inches tall) has a very distinct egg appearance. The opening represents the cracking of the egg:sadly (and realistically) there is a tiny chip on the edge of the opening.
The mark is pretty clear but I'm not certain of the letters: there could be an 'S' or 'J'...equally an 'H' or 'T'. Can anybody please identify this maker's mark?
Thank you

Another Egg Shaped Pot with unrecognisable mark Egg_po13
Another Egg Shaped Pot with unrecognisable mark Egg_po15
Another Egg Shaped Pot with unrecognisable mark Egg_po14

Male Number of posts : 235
Location : North West England
Registration date : 2017-08-23

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Another Egg Shaped Pot with unrecognisable mark Empty Re: Another Egg Shaped Pot with unrecognisable mark

Post by philpot March 8th 2020, 5:33 pm

Although the photos are slightly out of focus, the actual style has strong stylistic influences of Alan Wallwork. (Look him up on this site). During a long career, Alan Wallwork employed a lot of people, and influenced a number of others. An auctioneer would probably describe it as 'School of Alan Wallwork'. Now as to who it is.... Shrugs Shrugs

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Another Egg Shaped Pot with unrecognisable mark Empty Re: Another Egg Shaped Pot with unrecognisable mark

Post by Beege March 8th 2020, 10:16 pm

Thanks for this Philpott, its very interesting.
There is a lot to read on this site about Alan Wallwork! I was unaware of his work, but it is clear he was held in high esteem.
I recognise the influence Alan may have had on my small pot: his obituary in the Guardian (20/11/19) has a picture of a number of similar egg-shaped vessels.
Did I read in one of the posts on this site that there is an Alan Wallwork society?
Thanks again Philpott.

Male Number of posts : 235
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Another Egg Shaped Pot with unrecognisable mark Empty Re: Another Egg Shaped Pot with unrecognisable mark

Post by studio-pots March 19th 2020, 3:47 pm

There isn't an Alan Wallwork Society but Joe the Hat, who runs the .info site and is a member of this Forum is the nearest to "a society"! If you were considering contacting him for more information about your piece, I will save you the trouble, as I suspect Joe would forward your email to me. During Alan's lifetime, I persuaded him to have his first solo exhibition and held more exhibitions of his work than any other gallery.

While I agree with the "school of Wallwork" description I would say that the clay body and the method of manufacture tell me that it was not made by anyone that worked with Alan. Also I don't recall seeing the mark before.

However, it looks like a pleasant interesting piece.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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