Sculpted ceramic vegetable
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Sculpted ceramic vegetable
Ceramic sculpted vegetables, purchased at the local boot fair a summer or two back. Never displayed or researched them before now.
Any help with ID appreciated.
They have a touch of the Raku's about them. A slight irredescence that is exaggerated by the camera flash. No signature mark that I can see on any of them.
Any help with ID appreciated.
They have a touch of the Raku's about them. A slight irredescence that is exaggerated by the camera flash. No signature mark that I can see on any of them.
abstract toad- Number of posts : 524
Location : uk
Registration date : 2018-06-01
Re: Sculpted ceramic vegetable
When talking of ceramic fruit and vegetables the first name that comes to mind is Penkridge Ceramics. But Penkridge pieces are normally quite life like. Might be a place to start tho.
philpot- Number of posts : 6788
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06
Re: Sculpted ceramic vegetable
Thanks for the links Phil.
Yes, I discovered a few Penkridge pieces online. As you say in your message, very life-like and quite impressive. Also signed, unlike mine.
Thanks again Phil, much appreciated
Yes, I discovered a few Penkridge pieces online. As you say in your message, very life-like and quite impressive. Also signed, unlike mine.
Thanks again Phil, much appreciated
abstract toad- Number of posts : 524
Location : uk
Registration date : 2018-06-01
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