Can anyone help me iD maker of this raku vase please signed Evans

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Can anyone help me iD maker of this raku vase please signed Evans Empty Can anyone help me iD maker of this raku vase please signed Evans

Post by Lollylaus February 28th 2020, 1:46 pm

Hi there!
Bought this rather lovely vase in a charity shop recently. Just wondering if anyone can identify who it might be by?
Mark on the bottom looks like Evans 94 to me but I’ve googled and can’t see anything similar.
Thanks in advance!

Can anyone help me iD maker of this raku vase please signed Evans B1600010

Can anyone help me iD maker of this raku vase please signed Evans Fd7d2310

Can anyone help me iD maker of this raku vase please signed Evans 00cf6310

Number of posts : 2
Location : Wales
Registration date : 2020-02-27

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Can anyone help me iD maker of this raku vase please signed Evans Empty Re: Can anyone help me iD maker of this raku vase please signed Evans

Post by Lollylaus March 1st 2020, 4:53 pm


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Location : Wales
Registration date : 2020-02-27

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Can anyone help me iD maker of this raku vase please signed Evans Empty Re: Can anyone help me iD maker of this raku vase please signed Evans

Post by NaomiM March 1st 2020, 7:13 pm

It certainly looks like it's signed Evans, and dated '94. Unfortunately it doesn't match any of the Evans's in the Marks book. So possibly by a hobby potter local to you. There might be a mention of them in one of the regional Pottery Associations

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Can anyone help me iD maker of this raku vase please signed Evans Empty Re: Can anyone help me iD maker of this raku vase please signed Evans

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