Stoneware jug, H mark - probably Heather Graham

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Stoneware jug, H mark - probably Heather Graham  Empty Stoneware jug, H mark - probably Heather Graham

Post by MCWebs February 19th 2020, 10:42 pm

Again a familiar mark on this lovely blu stoneware jug,

Looks a bit like an early eddie/margaret curtis but not the right mark for them...

Stoneware jug, H mark - probably Heather Graham  B7c25a10

Stoneware jug, H mark - probably Heather Graham  1a505f10

Stoneware jug, H mark - probably Heather Graham  91adfb10

Can anyone recognise the mark?

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Registration date : 2017-09-24

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Stoneware jug, H mark - probably Heather Graham  Empty Re: Stoneware jug, H mark - probably Heather Graham

Post by MCWebs March 4th 2020, 8:43 pm

I think it could be by Andrew Holden...

Number of posts : 726
Location : GB
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Stoneware jug, H mark - probably Heather Graham  Empty Re: Stoneware jug, H mark - probably Heather Graham

Post by NaomiM March 4th 2020, 9:23 pm

That's possible.
I've removed the jugs with the LH mark as they're definitely not by Holden

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Stoneware jug, H mark - probably Heather Graham  Empty Re: Stoneware jug, H mark - probably Heather Graham

Post by NaomiM March 20th 2022, 2:43 pm

Probably by Heather Graham. Her mark is very similar to Andrew Holden's but different colour palette and clay

Her stamps

Stoneware jug, H mark - probably Heather Graham  Hmark_11

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32327
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Stoneware jug, H mark - probably Heather Graham  Empty Re: Stoneware jug, H mark - probably Heather Graham

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