Would appreciate any help regarding this vase

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Would appreciate any help regarding this vase Empty Would appreciate any help regarding this vase

Post by geraintwoolford January 24th 2020, 5:41 pm

I have acquired this vase and have no idea as to its origin, age or what the 42 on the base stands for. It stands 30.5cm tall and is hexagonal. Would appreciate any help regarding this vase 677a10
Would appreciate any help regarding this vase 677c10
Would appreciate any help regarding this vase 677g10
Can anyone please assist.

Number of posts : 152
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2017-06-02

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Would appreciate any help regarding this vase Empty Re: Would appreciate any help regarding this vase

Post by NaomiM January 24th 2020, 5:43 pm

Modern Chinese vase, mass produced for the decorator's market. The number might be the size

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32212
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Registration date : 2012-05-15


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Would appreciate any help regarding this vase Empty Re: Would appreciate any help regarding this vase

Post by geraintwoolford January 24th 2020, 5:45 pm

Thank You for your help, I did suspect as much but thought I would check .

Number of posts : 152
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2017-06-02

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Would appreciate any help regarding this vase Empty Re: Would appreciate any help regarding this vase

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