Minature generic studio pottery 1970 cup and saucer

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Minature generic studio pottery 1970 cup and saucer Empty Minature generic studio pottery 1970 cup and saucer

Post by olipayton December 7th 2019, 6:06 pm

Hi picked these up today the cup is 4 cm high, probably not going to get an id but they are well made things Minature generic studio pottery 1970 cup and saucer Afd42910

Number of posts : 558
Location : wrington
Registration date : 2015-12-08

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Minature generic studio pottery 1970 cup and saucer Empty Re: Minature generic studio pottery 1970 cup and saucer

Post by NaomiM December 7th 2019, 8:02 pm

Still need photographs of the base even if there’s no mark.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32174
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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Minature generic studio pottery 1970 cup and saucer Empty Re: Minature generic studio pottery 1970 cup and saucer

Post by olipayton December 7th 2019, 8:11 pm

Here we are it has a Narberth Simon Rich look about itMinature generic studio pottery 1970 cup and saucer 9e5e7810

Number of posts : 558
Location : wrington
Registration date : 2015-12-08

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Minature generic studio pottery 1970 cup and saucer Empty Re: Minature generic studio pottery 1970 cup and saucer

Post by NaomiM December 8th 2019, 6:44 pm

Likely to be a special commission for a dolls house. Or possibly kiln fillers but small items take just as long to make as their full sized versions, and sell for less than a full sized piece so are rarely made by potters. The Decoration and glaze reminds me of Hook Norton Pottery and The Friars Pottery.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32174
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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