Pair of high glass vases

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Pair of high glass vases Empty Pair of high glass vases

Post by Sidik November 28th 2019, 1:16 pm

Hi, I have pair of glass vases handmade, the same but some small differences, one 29, other 30 inches high. Any idea if they are genuine? What decade they could be made? On pictures is only one of them. No labels or marks they could lead to origin.

Pair of high glass vases Dd329810
Pair of high glass vases Dfc5ce10
Pair of high glass vases 8a887710
m. No labels or marks they could lead to origin.

Number of posts : 1
Location : Cyprus
Registration date : 2019-11-28

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Pair of high glass vases Empty Re: Pair of high glass vases

Post by NaomiM November 28th 2019, 2:04 pm

They look modern. They might be made in Israel - Hebron makes a lot of banded glass. Or Gozo Glass. Or Chinese imports

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