Jersey Pottery, JV or JG mark?

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Jersey Pottery, JV or JG mark? Empty Jersey Pottery, JV or JG mark?

Post by RVsaid November 25th 2019, 5:44 pm


Certainly not to my taste and pretty close to an amateur piece but I've been surprised before.

Jersey Pottery, JV or JG mark? Img_2217
Jersey Pottery, JV or JG mark? Img_2215
Jersey Pottery, JV or JG mark? Img_2216

Number of posts : 1469
Location : Torbay, England
Registration date : 2012-08-12

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Jersey Pottery, JV or JG mark? Empty Re: Jersey Pottery, JV or JG mark?

Post by dantheman November 25th 2019, 7:26 pm

Did Brin lend you his camera?

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

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Jersey Pottery, JV or JG mark? Empty Re: Jersey Pottery, JV or JG mark?

Post by RVsaid November 25th 2019, 8:40 pm

Nah it's the site loading half large images. Can't change the size but click and you get the full image. But hey thanks for the interest in the post!

Number of posts : 1469
Location : Torbay, England
Registration date : 2012-08-12

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Jersey Pottery, JV or JG mark? Empty Re: Jersey Pottery, JV or JG mark?

Post by brin mcardle November 27th 2019, 5:39 pm

Ooh..The Sarcasm
brin mcardle
brin mcardle

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Jersey Pottery, JV or JG mark? Empty Re: Jersey Pottery, JV or JG mark?

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