Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins?

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Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins? Empty Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins?

Post by NaomiM October 29th 2019, 10:32 pm

Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins? 72c47b10

Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins? 9a940910 Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins? 5602ca10 Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins? 30875310 Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins? E5b6fe10 Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins? 54f1e810

Last edited by NaomiM on May 17th 2022, 8:48 pm; edited 2 times in total

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins? Empty Re: Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins?

Post by philpot October 30th 2019, 7:19 am

I would think so. Clay colour looks right, have seen that glaze on Briglin before and its the type of thing that Briglin would be equipped to make., more than your average potter. Presumably they would have had a lid.

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Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins? Empty Re: Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins?

Post by 22 Crawford St. November 5th 2019, 12:04 am

Missed this. Not Briglin, Llangollen perhaps?
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

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Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins? Empty Re: Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins?

Post by NaomiM May 17th 2024, 11:48 pm

Found a Garlic one. Unfortunately unmarked and damaged

Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins? Img_7530
Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins? Img_7531
Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins? Img_7529

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins? Empty Re: Peppercorns & cloves stacking pots unmarked Briglin? Llangollen? S Perkins?

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