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Porcelain Empty Porcelain

Post by 22 Crawford St. August 14th 2019, 6:46 pm

Would you say that in general handmade item in porcelain are better quality than stoneware or earthenware. So what I'm getting at is that it's a more difficult technique, so would naturally preclude you amateur.??

Is this correct?

22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

Male Number of posts : 5612
Location : Berkshire
Registration date : 2009-12-19


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Porcelain Empty Re: Porcelain

Post by philpot August 19th 2019, 8:39 pm

Ouch! That is one of those 'When did you stop beating your wife' questions?
Porcelain is bloomin fiddly to work with. For numerous reasons (read the books")mainly involving the difficulty of making much money out of it, professional potters tend to avoid it.
On t'other hand. Its a fascinating medium. Totally unlike much other pottery material. People can get fixated on it. When earning a living by making porcelain is irrevalent, then people can get very good at it..giving that fixation. If you are reliant of making a living out of porcelain tho, then you need to be charging relatively high prices, because your production is so much less in porcelain.


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