Can somebody help me to identify this vase?

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Can somebody help me to identify this vase? Empty Can somebody help me to identify this vase?

Post by GeertP August 13th 2019, 8:20 am

I recently bought this vase. The seller thought it is Scandinavian. Nobody I asked has ever seen anything like it before. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

Can somebody help me to identify this vase? Img_2014
Can somebody help me to identify this vase? Img_2013
Can somebody help me to identify this vase? Img_2015

Number of posts : 5
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2019-08-12

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Can somebody help me to identify this vase? Empty Re: Can somebody help me to identify this vase?

Post by eshearm August 13th 2019, 1:55 pm

Seen fish shaped vases before from Japan, this does have a fish shape to it? X

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Can somebody help me to identify this vase? Empty Re: Can somebody help me to identify this vase?

Post by GeertP August 13th 2019, 1:57 pm

Didn't think of that. But what about the base mark? Doesn't seem Japanese, or does it?

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Can somebody help me to identify this vase? Empty Re: Can somebody help me to identify this vase?

Post by eshearm August 13th 2019, 3:10 pm

Indeed I agree the marks look european, just a thought, after 30 years in this business always learning, I have seen serevarl styles of japanese fish vases but must admit they were marked japan. xxx

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Can somebody help me to identify this vase? Empty Re: Can somebody help me to identify this vase?

Post by denbydump August 13th 2019, 3:32 pm

The style looks Italian, but with that embossed mark, I'd be betting German/Austrian.

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Can somebody help me to identify this vase? Empty Re: Can somebody help me to identify this vase?

Post by NaomiM August 13th 2019, 5:47 pm

The decoration looks Dutch to me

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Can somebody help me to identify this vase? Empty Re: Can somebody help me to identify this vase?

Post by olipayton August 13th 2019, 7:06 pm

I go Italian, not Scandi as I think the blue is not strong enough

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Can somebody help me to identify this vase? Empty Re: Can somebody help me to identify this vase?

Post by GeertP August 13th 2019, 7:12 pm

Scandinavian is what the vendor suggested, though he too hasn't seen a vase like this before.

Number of posts : 5
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Can somebody help me to identify this vase? Empty Re: Can somebody help me to identify this vase?

Post by Johners2000 August 14th 2019, 11:57 am

Looks a bit like Spanish/Portuguese styles I've seen. Sargadelos-ish in form (although not by them)

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Can somebody help me to identify this vase? Empty Re: Can somebody help me to identify this vase?

Post by GeertP August 14th 2019, 12:11 pm

Portuguese seems a good suggestion. But what about the embossed base mark? C5.7 or C57

Number of posts : 5
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2019-08-12

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Can somebody help me to identify this vase? Empty Re: Can somebody help me to identify this vase?

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