Maker unknown, any ideas as to who did it are much appreciated.

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Maker unknown, any ideas as to who did it are much appreciated. Empty Maker unknown, any ideas as to who did it are much appreciated.

Post by abstract toad July 28th 2019, 12:53 pm

A lovely vase, to my eyes at least. Sweet little lugs, nice brush stroke decoration and the shape is really pleasing. When I turned this over I was hoping to see the mark of David Lloyd Jones, but was not to be. It looks like an incised heart with a T, date underneath ?

Any ideas welcome, thank you.

Maker unknown, any ideas as to who did it are much appreciated. Wp_20139
Maker unknown, any ideas as to who did it are much appreciated. Wp_20140
Maker unknown, any ideas as to who did it are much appreciated. Wp_20141
abstract toad
abstract toad

Number of posts : 524
Location : uk
Registration date : 2018-06-01

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Maker unknown, any ideas as to who did it are much appreciated. Empty Re: Maker unknown, any ideas as to who did it are much appreciated.

Post by NaomiM July 28th 2019, 8:01 pm

Looks too good to be by a hobby potter from the UK so I would guess it’s by a foreign studio potter

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Maker unknown, any ideas as to who did it are much appreciated. Empty Re: Maker unknown, any ideas as to who did it are much appreciated.

Post by abstract toad July 29th 2019, 10:11 am

Thank you Naomi. I think you are probably right, it is very well done Happy
abstract toad
abstract toad

Number of posts : 524
Location : uk
Registration date : 2018-06-01

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Maker unknown, any ideas as to who did it are much appreciated. Empty Re: Maker unknown, any ideas as to who did it are much appreciated.

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