Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal

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Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal Empty Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal

Post by benwilliams June 19th 2019, 2:15 pm

I’m thinking this is amateur piece - it’s fairly heavy.
Stoneware, nice speckled greenish grey glaze.
Applied seal with dragon, shield and motto.
Or is it something ?

Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal 75acac10
Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal 0919bd10
Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal Cedd2010

Number of posts : 2453
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal Empty Re: Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal

Post by benwilliams June 19th 2019, 2:16 pm

Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal 5eeb6210
Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal 0b014d10
Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal 705d7710

Number of posts : 2453
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal Empty Re: Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal

Post by NaomiM June 19th 2019, 8:30 pm

Looks something like : m DAT th Deus Ino Remembrum
Maybe a town motto? Looks old. German or Belgium?

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Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal Empty Re: Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal

Post by benwilliams June 20th 2019, 8:27 am

I think because it’s not particularly well potted I thought amateur made but it could be proper old.
It might take a while tracking down. Not a glaze I know from old pots I’ve dug up in Britain. Seal is like the Tudor age German pieces.

Number of posts : 2453
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal Empty Re: Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal

Post by 22 Crawford St. June 20th 2019, 9:56 am

All though the base and seal are interesting, my head is telling me it's old but not that old. Really old pieces would be covered in use, chips and damage. Handles and a lid would just not survive in that condition perfect if it were old. So Head telling me it's late 19th or first half of C20th because of base.
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

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Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal Empty Re: Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal

Post by benwilliams June 20th 2019, 4:40 pm

I’ve seen Tudor pieces come out of the Thames in pretty amazing condition but I know that’s an unusual situation. I’ve handled a lot of pieces of that age but this is a bit out of my experience.
Maybe like you suggest it’s an old pot looking like something much older. I find it so hard to know how to deal with uncertain pots like this! Thank you, you’re all so helpful.

Number of posts : 2453
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Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal Empty Re: Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal

Post by 22 Crawford St. June 20th 2019, 8:26 pm

It's one to keep looking for, may take years. Try and find/ID that seal and motto. Could it be linked to a monastery.
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

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Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal Empty Re: Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal

Post by bistoboy June 20th 2019, 10:04 pm

Dat Deus Incrementum

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Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal Empty Re: Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal

Post by benwilliams June 20th 2019, 10:49 pm

“God gives the increase” - motto of Westminster School.

Number of posts : 2453
Location : Devon
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Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal Empty Re: Unusual studio lidded handled pot, medieval seal

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