SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones)

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SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones) Empty SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones)

Post by MCWebs Thu May 02, 2019 6:09 pm

Well How rather odd these two are - quite futuristic and weird. The label seems to be a 1980's label poss around 1987... Never seen the label before looks quite Austin Powersy I would be frankly gob-smacked if anyone knew anything about them...

SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones) P1150512

SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones) P1150513

SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones) P1150514

SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones) P1150515

SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones) P1150516

SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones) P1150518

SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones) P1150517

Weird huh...

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Registration date : 2017-09-24

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SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones) Empty Re: SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones)

Post by NaomiM Thu May 02, 2019 7:39 pm

By Stephen R Jones, potting in Brighton in the 80s-90s

Last edited by NaomiM on Thu May 02, 2019 8:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones) Empty Stephen Atkinson-Jones

Post by NaomiM Thu May 02, 2019 8:53 pm

He’s in the Marks book as Stephen Atkinson-Jones, and it’s the mark he used in the 80s as SR Jones

Last edited by NaomiM on Sat Jun 08, 2019 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32205
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SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones) Empty Re: SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones)

Post by MCWebs Thu May 02, 2019 9:09 pm

Crikey - Thanks N. I wasn't expecting that... I thought the mark was quite amateurish tbh - very but glad to be proved wrong

Number of posts : 725
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Registration date : 2017-09-24

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SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones) Empty Re: SRJ mark. DESIGN CENTRE LONDON label - Stephen R Jones (Atkinson-Jones)

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