Can you tell me anything about these Japanese bowls please?

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Can you tell me anything about these Japanese bowls please? Empty Can you tell me anything about these Japanese bowls please?

Post by Deb0106 April 4th 2019, 7:10 pm

This is one of a set of 24 different small, porcelain bowls - all seem to be Japanese - possibly rice bowls and not very old but beautifully decorated.  One or two of the set seem to come from the same maker - there are two with Hanaiori written on them. Thank you.Can you tell me anything about these Japanese bowls please? 20190412
Can you tell me anything about these Japanese bowls please? 20190413
Can you tell me anything about these Japanese bowls please? 20190414

Female Number of posts : 2
Location : Devon, England
Registration date : 2019-04-03

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Can you tell me anything about these Japanese bowls please? Empty Re: Can you tell me anything about these Japanese bowls please?

Post by NaomiM April 4th 2019, 8:47 pm

Certainly modern tableware. I don’t know the mark, but you might find it on the website

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Female Number of posts : 32657
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Can you tell me anything about these Japanese bowls please? Empty Re: Can you tell me anything about these Japanese bowls please?

Post by Deb0106 April 16th 2019, 7:14 pm

Thanks very much I had tried there first but no matter - I have passed them on now.

Female Number of posts : 2
Location : Devon, England
Registration date : 2019-04-03

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Can you tell me anything about these Japanese bowls please? Empty Re: Can you tell me anything about these Japanese bowls please?

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