Very stylised design on a mug - Johannesburg

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Very stylised design on a mug - Johannesburg Empty Very stylised design on a mug - Johannesburg

Post by Beege March 28th 2019, 6:30 pm

Hallo all.

I quite like the stylised design (possibly African theme) of this mug. This design is not a transfer, but rather it has been 'carved' into the surface. However, I am unable to read the text on the brown covered base (I've made the image black and white to make it clearer).

Is anyone familiar with this type of design?

Thank you

Very stylised design on a mug - Johannesburg Bcup1a10
Very stylised design on a mug - Johannesburg Bcup1b10
Very stylised design on a mug - Johannesburg Bcup1c10

Male Number of posts : 235
Location : North West England
Registration date : 2017-08-23

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Very stylised design on a mug - Johannesburg Empty Re: Very stylised design on a mug - Johannesburg

Post by NaomiM March 28th 2019, 6:42 pm

The stamp is upside down. I think the second word is Johannesburg, so African would fit

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Very stylised design on a mug - Johannesburg Empty Re: Very stylised design on a mug - Johannesburg

Post by carolalev March 28th 2019, 7:00 pm

I see a dancing figure in that design - maybe I'm just using the right drugs! Two feet and legs at the bottom and the starry thing as a skirt. What do you think?

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Very stylised design on a mug - Johannesburg Empty Re: Very stylised design on a mug - Johannesburg

Post by Beege March 28th 2019, 7:16 pm

Thanks Naomi...I couldn't make any of it out, so being upside-down explains a little. Senility creeps on!!
You and I Carolalev are definitely on the same drugs! I see what you see!!

Male Number of posts : 235
Location : North West England
Registration date : 2017-08-23

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