Art Deco style studio pottery vase with pink flowers

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Art Deco style studio pottery vase with pink flowers Empty Art Deco style studio pottery vase with pink flowers

Post by tigerchips March 27th 2019, 10:55 pm

Was i wrong in assuming Cornish? Perhaps it's from a less well known pottery like BrentLeigh ware? I don't think it's recent but could be wrong. I tried to clean it before photographing, but it's still a bit mucky. It's just under 10 inches high. It has an incised mark on the back i think.

Art Deco style studio pottery vase with pink flowers Dsc08253
Art Deco style studio pottery vase with pink flowers Dsc08252
Art Deco style studio pottery vase with pink flowers Dsc08251


Number of posts : 464
Location : England
Registration date : 2017-06-21

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Art Deco style studio pottery vase with pink flowers Empty Re: Art Deco style studio pottery vase with pink flowers

Post by tigerchips March 27th 2019, 10:56 pm

Art Deco style studio pottery vase with pink flowers Dsc08254

Number of posts : 464
Location : England
Registration date : 2017-06-21

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