Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland

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Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland   Empty Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland

Post by Rochellewillow March 24th 2019, 7:05 am

Has clear chop mark. Have been through the book but still stumped. Does anybody recognise. Thank you.Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland   Aa967310
Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland   D2b29510
Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland   D1f69210

Female Number of posts : 314
Location : Uk
Registration date : 2018-11-03

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Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland   Empty Re: Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland

Post by NaomiM March 24th 2019, 1:28 pm

Maybe Donnington Pottery but I think it might be a partial R mark for Ros.... something that I can’t remember right now but has that style of decoration

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Female Number of posts : 32733
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Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland   Empty Re: Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland

Post by Rochellewillow March 25th 2019, 5:02 pm

Oh ok thank you I thought donnington maybe

Female Number of posts : 314
Location : Uk
Registration date : 2018-11-03

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Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland   Empty Re: Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland

Post by NaomiM March 25th 2019, 8:51 pm

Rossmore Pottery in Ireland was the one I was thinking of. Very similar design

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32733
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland   Empty Re: Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland

Post by Rochellewillow March 26th 2019, 6:08 am

Oh god yes unmistakable only you could know it was supposed to be an R. 😂👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Female Number of posts : 314
Location : Uk
Registration date : 2018-11-03

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Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland   Empty Re: Stoneware preserve dish. Rossmore Pottery, Ireland

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