Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID

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Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID Empty Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID

Post by Leach54321 February 27th 2019, 5:41 pm

Hi - I have a large striped handkerchief glass vase which is signed to the base which I am trying to identify - it looks like Merino or Molino?  It definitely looks to start with an M and there looks to be a i in the middle and ending with an O - please help?

Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID Img_7710
Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID Img_7710

Number of posts : 403
Location : UK
Registration date : 2018-03-19

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Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID Empty Re: Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID

Post by denbydump February 27th 2019, 6:45 pm

We need better pics, but Murano? or is that too obvious?

Number of posts : 7366
Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2014-06-01

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Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID Empty Re: Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID

Post by Leach54321 February 28th 2019, 3:59 pm

Hi - Thank you for your quick reply - I have looked closely with a magnifying glass and I don't think it does say Murano but is a bit similar so I understand what you mean. Sorry but I have just tried to take a clearer photo but haven't been able to so this is the best I can do.

Number of posts : 403
Location : UK
Registration date : 2018-03-19

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Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID Empty Re: Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID

Post by denbydump March 1st 2019, 4:01 am

No sorry, I meant we need pictures of the whole item, and the base.

Number of posts : 7366
Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2014-06-01

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Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID Empty Re: Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID

Post by Leach54321 March 4th 2019, 11:26 am

Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID Img_7713
Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID Img_8010

No worries - hopefully these photos will be helpful.

Number of posts : 403
Location : UK
Registration date : 2018-03-19

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Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID Empty Re: Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID

Post by tigerchips March 27th 2019, 2:04 am

Looks like Murano sig. Trying to look like Venini maybe, or maybe it is Venini? Would expect it to be signed 'Venini' though.

Number of posts : 464
Location : England
Registration date : 2017-06-21

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Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID Empty Re: Striped Handkerchief Glass Vase Signed Merino Molino? Please help ID

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