Double Marked Scraffito Stoneware Vase - GK (Backwards K) mark?

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Double Marked Scraffito Stoneware Vase - GK (Backwards K) mark? Empty Double Marked Scraffito Stoneware Vase - GK (Backwards K) mark?

Post by MCWebs February 14th 2019, 2:13 am

Havn't much of a clue about this one the mark has faded but I think after much scrutiny it looks like it could be a G and a Backwards K the other mark is totally unreadable but in a very long oblong (i hope that helps) Sorry about my Paint skills but I've tried to trace a better indication of the mark - I may have read it wrong as it is faded somewhat... Any Ideas - It's very well potted and I love the decoration very milky glaze too which i think is smashing... would love to find out who made it...

Double Marked Scraffito Stoneware Vase - GK (Backwards K) mark? P1140312

Double Marked Scraffito Stoneware Vase - GK (Backwards K) mark? P1140311

Double Marked Scraffito Stoneware Vase - GK (Backwards K) mark? P1140310

Double Marked Scraffito Stoneware Vase - GK (Backwards K) mark? P1140313

Remembered to take a picture of my bottom this time... (even though its got a few scratch marks on it!)... :)

Last edited by NaomiM on June 20th 2019, 7:24 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : typo)

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