Small stoneware mug, impressed name in circle mostly obscured

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Small stoneware mug, impressed name in circle mostly obscured  Empty Small stoneware mug, impressed name in circle mostly obscured

Post by Mr Trebus Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:03 pm

Small stoneware mug, impressed name in circle mostly obscured  Img_1317
Small stoneware mug, impressed name in circle mostly obscured  Img_1316
Small stoneware mug, impressed name in circle mostly obscured  Img_1315

Another small matte glazed stoneware mug - text in circle looks like it's been attacked by a dremel! Maybe can make out letters OMA,
I know Ben Thomas signs work with similar circular mark but usually that's printed on porcelain.....
Mr Trebus
Mr Trebus

Number of posts : 207
Location : London
Registration date : 2011-09-07

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