Blue glass with inner white casing - is it Alsterfors?

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Blue glass with inner white casing - is it Alsterfors? Empty Blue glass with inner white casing - is it Alsterfors?

Post by jedadiah-wolf January 23rd 2019, 6:14 pm

This pair of blue glass handled vases have inner white casings and look like the work of Per-Olof Strom for Alsterfors. I can't find anything else with a similar shape though. Any thoughts / suggestions would be much appreciated!

Blue glass with inner white casing - is it Alsterfors? Img_8715
Blue glass with inner white casing - is it Alsterfors? Img_8716
Blue glass with inner white casing - is it Alsterfors? Img_8714

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Location : UK
Registration date : 2018-09-29

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