Unidentified Studio Pottery - Leach?

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Unidentified Studio Pottery - Leach? Empty Unidentified Studio Pottery - Leach?

Post by Fernside January 19th 2019, 4:44 pm


I can't find any marks on this pot to help me identify it. It looks similar to some of the Leach pottery range but any additional information would be great. Any ideas? it is approximately 26 cms high

Thank you

Unidentified Studio Pottery - Leach? Studio12
Unidentified Studio Pottery - Leach? Studio11

Number of posts : 34
Location : London
Registration date : 2018-01-22

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Unidentified Studio Pottery - Leach? Empty Re: Unidentified Studio Pottery - Leach?

Post by philpot January 19th 2019, 5:51 pm

'School of Leach' would be the phrase. Definitely not part of the Leach standard ware range. Too big. So you have a very well made Tenmoku glazed pot very strongly influenced by the Leach Anglo/Orintal tradition. But since Bernard Leach was one of the most influential British potters of the 20th century, it could be by any of a large number of potters. Without a distinguishing mark, it is impossible to attribute it.

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Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Unidentified Studio Pottery - Leach? Empty Re: Unidentified Studio Pottery - Leach?

Post by Fernside January 19th 2019, 6:41 pm

Thanks for the speedy response. I was hoping to see a BL or SH mark but still a very well made pot!

Number of posts : 34
Location : London
Registration date : 2018-01-22

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Unidentified Studio Pottery - Leach? Empty Re: Unidentified Studio Pottery - Leach?

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