small jar with lid help with backstamp please

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small jar with lid help with backstamp please Empty small jar with lid help with backstamp please

Post by olipayton January 13th 2019, 7:52 am

I am pretty sure its from a type of North African bizarre pottery but as it was a freebie in a buy one get one free box I thought why not!
To me the back mark has an Arabic look about it but you never know - perhaps its a long lost rarity!!!small jar with lid help with backstamp please Sam_7911
small jar with lid help with backstamp please Sam_7910

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small jar with lid help with backstamp please Empty Re: small jar with lid help with backstamp please

Post by tenpot January 13th 2019, 12:14 pm

its stoneware so unlikely to be north african

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small jar with lid help with backstamp please Empty Re: small jar with lid help with backstamp please

Post by NaomiM January 13th 2019, 12:18 pm

The mark is difficult to make out. Try rubbing some marmite across it and take another photo

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small jar with lid help with backstamp please Empty Re: small jar with lid help with backstamp please

Post by dantheman January 13th 2019, 12:52 pm

Marmite? That's a new one!

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small jar with lid help with backstamp please Empty Re: small jar with lid help with backstamp please

Post by touchdry January 13th 2019, 1:12 pm

What ... not vegemite? Why marmite?

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small jar with lid help with backstamp please Empty Re: small jar with lid help with backstamp please

Post by NaomiM January 13th 2019, 3:33 pm

touchdry wrote:What ... not vegemite? Why marmite?

It was a tip from the Australian pottery collectors site, so technically, yes, vegemite if you have it; marmite if you don’t. I’ve found it works much better than any of the ground spices or icing sugar.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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small jar with lid help with backstamp please Empty Re: small jar with lid help with backstamp please

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