Pair of ceramic bowls - the stamp is quite difficult to read

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Pair of ceramic bowls - the stamp is quite difficult to read Empty Pair of ceramic bowls - the stamp is quite difficult to read

Post by Beege January 3rd 2019, 6:48 pm

Hi all.
I have a pair of nice ceramic bowls (5.5" in diameter) which have a stamp on the bottom, but I just can't quite read it. I thought it was a 'W' of 'M', but I'm now not so sure.
Does anybody recognise this stamp...or style?
Thank you for any help.

Pair of ceramic bowls - the stamp is quite difficult to read Bbowl116
Pair of ceramic bowls - the stamp is quite difficult to read Bbowl117
Pair of ceramic bowls - the stamp is quite difficult to read Bbowl118

Male Number of posts : 235
Location : North West England
Registration date : 2017-08-23

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Pair of ceramic bowls - the stamp is quite difficult to read Empty Re: Pair of ceramic bowls - the stamp is quite difficult to read

Post by NaomiM January 3rd 2019, 8:07 pm

It’s a W or M mark. Found another one recently but it wasn’t IDed. Peter Mitchell, maybe?

Pair of ceramic bowls - the stamp is quite difficult to read C432b010

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