M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950.

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M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950. Empty M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950.

Post by potterymad62 December 31st 2018, 8:46 pm

I would like to know who M J C is and what company produced these plaster ware wall plaques. I pick them very cheap and sell them at very good prices and they sell very quickly. Fantastic quality work has gone into these lovely animals.

M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950. Il_ful10
M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950. Il_ful11
M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950. Dsc04319M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950. Dsc04321
M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950. Dsc04320

Male Number of posts : 924
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950. Empty Re: M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950.

Post by NaomiM December 31st 2018, 9:10 pm

Most plaster plaques were made by Bossons; they have a silvered back, so always helps to have a photo of the reverse

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950. Empty Re: M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950.

Post by philpot January 1st 2019, 9:07 am

Bossons did a very wide range.
and were hugely popular in the 70's. So much so, that they had a number of imitatotors who were sometimes short lived. We used to sell a large number of Bossons way back the, but they were actually pricey enough for competitors to make a market by undercutting them. But many of these were short lived.  As Naomi says. the givewaway tends to the silver backs of Bossons. Mind you, I have never seen a signed Bossons piece.

The gift trade was a very big one back in the 1970's. People bought lots of souvenirs.



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M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950. Empty Re: M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950.

Post by potterymad62 January 1st 2019, 10:11 am

Thanks for your reply's and info. These are not Bossons I'm afraid, I have found few that sold on Ebay and are also listed as M J C with no info regarding who the company actually are. Would love to know who produces them. The back of the plaques are black/brown. Happy New Year and thanks for all your kind help in 2018.

M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950. Dsc04322
M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950. Il_ful12

Male Number of posts : 924
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950. Empty Re: M J C Plaster Wren & Otter Wall Plaques 1940 -1950.

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