Japanese Art Pottery Signature - Please Help Identify!

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Japanese Art Pottery Signature - Please Help Identify! Empty Japanese Art Pottery Signature - Please Help Identify!

Post by frankiev87 December 21st 2018, 3:35 am

Hi Everyone,
I recently purchased this vase at an estate sale and was told that it is Japanese....could anyone help identify or translate the signature for the artist?  Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
Frank Vitagliano

Japanese Art Pottery Signature - Please Help Identify! Img_3411
Japanese Art Pottery Signature - Please Help Identify! Img_3410

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Japanese Art Pottery Signature - Please Help Identify! Empty Re: Japanese Art Pottery Signature - Please Help Identify!

Post by NaomiM December 21st 2018, 10:47 am

I’m afraid we don’t have any Japanese members for a translation; best to try the Collecting Japanese Ceramics and Art Group on Facebook, but I’m not sure it’s a kanji character; it looks a bit too stiff.

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Japanese Art Pottery Signature - Please Help Identify! Empty Re: Japanese Art Pottery Signature - Please Help Identify!

Post by studio-pots December 21st 2018, 9:04 pm

I agree with Naomi that, although the vase and the decoration look fine, the mark does not look assured and so it could be an American potter copying something Japanese. I don't rule out it being Japanese but it is not a style of Japanese pottery that I recognise.

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