Yellow cased glass with prunts - is it Loetz Tango glass?

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Yellow cased glass with prunts - is it Loetz Tango glass? Empty Yellow cased glass with prunts - is it Loetz Tango glass?

Post by jedadiah-wolf December 16th 2018, 5:57 pm

Yellow cased glass with prunts - is it Loetz Tango glass? Img_8111
Yellow cased glass with prunts - is it Loetz Tango glass? Img_8110
Yellow cased glass with prunts - is it Loetz Tango glass? Img_8112

I recently acquired this unusual yellow cased glass jug / ewer and set of six matching tot glasses, all with three applied black prunts. The jug is 12.5cm / 5" tall and the glasses 4.5cm / 1.75" tall. All pieces are unmarked as far as I can see. The colours seem similar to Loetz Tango glass - any ideas / suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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Registration date : 2018-09-29

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Yellow cased glass with prunts - is it Loetz Tango glass? Empty Re: Yellow cased glass with prunts - is it Loetz Tango glass?

Post by chasdevlin December 17th 2018, 12:59 am

This page on Loetz tango glass may help you if you don't know it already.

I don't think they'd use clear glass on a tango piece like that so, among other things, I'd be very doubtful what you have is Loetz, but I'm not an expert.

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Yellow cased glass with prunts - is it Loetz Tango glass? Empty Re: Yellow cased glass with prunts - is it Loetz Tango glass?

Post by Davee December 17th 2018, 9:14 am

Have a look at Italian glass, could possibly be Empoli.

skay wrote: Happy Let's do some bumping please.

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Yellow cased glass with prunts - is it Loetz Tango glass? Empty Re: Yellow cased glass with prunts - is it Loetz Tango glass?

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